Monday, October 7, 2013

So I decided to start a Blog!

I started my hair journey around august 2013 because I was experiencing dramatic changes in my hair after severe climatic change, my hair suffered excessive breakage and excessive shedding, to a point where it came-out in large clumps.
I knew then that I needed to take charge of my hair and figure out a way to make it i started randomly searching the Internet and YouTube for solutions, I found how amazing African hair can grow without you having to have the OYIBO(white) blood.
in the past I used to wear braids and weaves all year long but didn't practice proper hair care to maintain any length. there was hardly change in the length for hair, my shoulder length hair it would remain the same lengths for years. didn't know what i was doing wrong. then again i actually cared more about style than my actual hair.
Now I am all about practising healthy and a more natural hair care method and this blog will be used as a journal to see my progress along the way.
so join me as i go through the challenges of growing healthy ,natural and long African hair.


  1. Very good inspiration for a blog; something different and cool. We ladies sometimes spend more time on clothes and shoes than our hair and I do think I'm guilty of this too. I just went natural a few months ago too and actually do have some twists underneath my wig...:)

    1. thank you so so much for your kind words. i never knew how big the going natural community was, i used to think that natural hair was for deeper life members, now i know better. let show that our hair can actual grow when giving the right kinds of treatment.

  2. Nice blog but I couldn't find a follow or subscribe button:( Could you please add one?

  3. thinks for your visit :D
