Sunday, October 20, 2013


black hair it strongest of all hair types.                  after reading so many reviews on the internet i found that the black hair is not stronger than every other hair type, black hair texture is actually the most fragile compared to other hair types. 
African hair is more prone to breakage in its natural and relaxed state if it lacks moisture. that is why it is very important to deep condition and apply treatment with natural oils such as coconut oil,olive oil like wide- tooth comb and soft brushes can help prevent hair breakage.

African hair cant grow very long like other races.
i think am most guilty of this myth for a very long time, however on the average the African hair grows half an inch every month. the natural curl of our hair and shrinkage can make our hair look much shorter than it really is. However, our hair is very sensitive and must be cared for to reach optimal length.

Relaxers make our hairs grow.
our type of hair only appears to be longer when it is relaxed, but the chemicals in the relaxer do not promote hair growth,it simply break down our natural growth by eliminating the curls and straightening it to its full length. hair growth can only be promoted by healthy habits and caring for our natural hair. 

Natural hair is healthier than relaxed hair.
this is definitely not true, the health of your hair depends on how well you care for your hair. some people then to believe that natural hair is better than relaxed hair,this is not true staying natural or being relaxed is all matter of choice. the main focus is having good hair care routine and use the right products and treatment.  relaxed hair can be just as healthy as natural.


  1. I love, love your blog! I tried to find the Google connect button so I can join your site but could not locate it. So, I'll try to find you on Bloglovin. I'll need tips on how to care for my own hair cos it's a hot mess right now underneath the wigs....:)

    1. thank you so much for kind words. am still so new to the blogging tin, but i try and figure it out.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Really nice post! Would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin and google +?? Let me know!
    It would be really nice to talk about natural hair! xx

    1. thanks sugar!! just did that now, it would be really nice to talk to you since we are kind of new in this journey.

    2. Now Hair issues I love! Value my hair more than the wigs and extensions! I love ur blog. Hope u don't mind me sharing ur hair tips as inspirations for my readers?

  4. oma dear thanks for the visiting, i will be highly honoured if you share them so we can all learn how to care for our hair properly.

  5. Very informative post! Please check out my blog and follow if you like

  6. I was guilty of thinking relaxers helpp grow hair. I know better now. there is no follow button on your blog. would like for us to follow each other.

    1. nne am so new to this blogging thing. am still a working progress, let mi try it. thanks babes

  7. Very nice blog but you need to pay attention to your punctuation, spelling and written english. For one, start every new sentence with a capital letter. Also, things like saying "am" when you mean "I'm". It's the little things that count.

  8. Nice post. Your blog has good information. Will you post anything about the current condition of your hair?

    1. am currently wearing braids, will definitely do that. thanks dear for visiting.

  9. This is some great information! Love reading about out hair :)

  10. nice your blog give a lot a great tip and advice !!

    1. thank you so much dear. and i also love coming over to your's for your gorgeous outfits and sweet melodies.
