Thursday, October 17, 2013


the use of of hot oil has a conditioning effect on the hair and scalp, this is good especially for people who have extreme dry hair. hot oil treatment can help to restore the hair to its best possible condition.  its also very good for dry damaged hair, if your have relaxed hair the hot oil treatment will infuse moisture and strength to the hair shaft,  because it enter the very core of the hair helping to heal the damage and split ends.
The hot oil treatment adds volume to your hair and reduces dandruff and can be eliminated with continuous use. the scalp just loves it, when it absorbs all the deliciousness and goodness from you using natural oils, the scalp then is quite happy to produce more healthy hair , it  rewards you for being so kind and caring to it.

The hot oil treatment  can be done twice or more times every week. it is advised to do the the hot oil treatment before you shampoo your hair, apply hot oils to hair and let it sit on the hair for a while or better done over night to reap more of the benefits.

Hot oil treatment is very easy to do at home my mixing up essentials and carrier oils.
here are some examples of carrier oil,
olive oil- it conditions hair and improves elasticity
Jojoba oil- its best for oily hair, it is almost like  the natural oil our skin  and scalp produce. it leaves the hair soft and light without weighing it down.
Avocado oil- it is the most moisturising oil great for dry and frizzy hair.
Almond oil- it relives dry scalp, stimulates follicles and slows premature hair loss.
Coconut oil- it adds shine and softens your hair, its great for all hair types, also helps treat dandruff.
Castor oil- it helps strength hair, perfect for hair that breaks easily. great to use in treating the thinning of edges, but because it is a little bit thicker than other oils its always best to mix it with another oil of a lighter consistency.
Grape seed oil- adds shine to hair and promotes hair growth.

Here are also some example of essential oil:
Rosemary oil- helps relive irritating scalp, stimulates hair follicles and help prevent hair loss
peppermint oil-stimulates hair follicle and hair growth
Lavender oil- contains potent anti- bacteria that soothes and heal scalp infections, useful in treating dandruff, and adds volume to the hair shaft.
Eucalyptus oil- an antiseptic which helps to get rid of dandruff, it stimulates blood circulation in the scalp.
Tea tree oil- its has antibacterials that is a highly effective solvent for sebum and other dirt or oil build-up in the scalp.
 so sorry about boring you with this long list of this anti bacterial and follicle and stimulating talk, lets go back to how to actually  perform this holy grail.
The amount of oil you need will be determined by the thickness and texture of your hair , just make sure you try and apply the oil to your entire hair shaft.
    there are different ways to prepare the hot oil treatment, it can be done by mixing different types of oils that you prefer but always use drops when using essential oil because too much can cause serve irritation.
placed all your mixed oil in a microwaveable container and put in a micro wave till mixture is well heated up. if it too hot to handle, wait until its comfortable enough for your fingers to dip into the mixture and you can apply it to your hair with ease. cover hair with plastic cap you can it have more effect. another ways is by placing your   mixture oil into a bowl of hot water to warm them up.
you can also rub the clod mixture all over your hair and then wear a shower cap and sit under the dryer to warm them up.
 best of  luck  while trying this very important step of growing longer and healthier hair!!!!!!!


  1. Free lecture! This is so helpful, my hair keeps breaking due to the weather. I should try this, thank you for sharing


    1. thanks dear, pls do try them and thanks for checking.

  2. Replies
    1. thanks dear, do give it a trial. thanks for the visit.

  3. Very informative! Thanks doll!

    Instagram: Cmichellestyles
    Pinterest: Cmichellestyles

  4. I love hot oil treatments I should really do them more often. Nice post.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i used to do these, well more of a pre shampoo treatment with oils, because i was never bothered heating up the oil lol

  7. Thanks for this. Will try it today! I only have jojoba and olive oil, hope the two will do?

